last minute dinners with friends, same friends actually from the other night. quick order, quick feed, and quick getaway. and yes, we paid for our meals. didn't want to feel the guilt like i did yesterday. not sure what i'm talking about; story here.
though we had an interesting conversation about how the other halves met. would love to share it. but might need to get their permission first. haha. things like these should be kept private in the eyes of strangers. but seriously, its amazing how people tend to meet each other. just like jeff & i, their story is also as special.
though we had an interesting conversation about how the other halves met. would love to share it. but might need to get their permission first. haha. things like these should be kept private in the eyes of strangers. but seriously, its amazing how people tend to meet each other. just like jeff & i, their story is also as special.
oh, and i had the most cheesiest lasagna. tasted yum!