What's in my makeup bag?

By 12/24/2014 ,

I never thought this day would come, where I'd share beauty products. My collection of makeup isn't as crazily countless of those youtube beauty bloggers. Honest!

I would definitely say I've come a long way in my selection of products. After numerous trial and error, I would say I have found several products that I am comfortable with that suit the needs of my skin, and pocket money. Although I must say, I am very nit-picky with foundation and lip products. Just cause I have some what call delicate skin, and annoying sensitive lips. Well if you are investing in products you apply on your face everyday, you might as well get what best suits you. And these do just that! 

I'll be camping over the Christmas break, and because we're driving north of Perth. I'm in need of keeping things to a minimal, these are what I will be taking with me.

So yes, call it what you may, but these are my camping make-up essentials :)

Have a Merry Christmas and stay safe. xx

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