indoor lunch

By 9/15/2011

remember how yesterday i was a bit sad and moody. well i was feeling oh so happy that evening and thanks to my wonderful husband, jeff who sneaked out the house and returned with the surprise of a dozen box full of macaroons (do i not have the most unpredictable and loving husband!). he definitely turned my frown upside down and seizes to amaze me at all time. how could i not be happy? 

jeff & i then entertained my best friend, azimah and her partner amir, last night too. which made my evening even better. tea, macaroons, jeff and the company of friends, what more could i ask for. 

thanks to another public holiday, sleeping in without guilt of having to wake up early was bliss. staying in was the best option as jeff & i lazed and chilled the entire day. did i mention i cooked today! no, you have not been fooled. i really did cook it. it was quite easy. actually all western food are easy to cook. i just have a problem with cooking asian food. that is the biggest challenge for me. 

onto the photos.

~ its such a wonderful start to a long weekend. have a great weekend. 

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