no longer a secret

By 10/17/2011

so remember back in september when i blogged about a surprise secret, well today is the day you, friends and every other stranger now what this surprise secret i've been hanging onto for so is all about. and i'm so anticipated to tell you, so here comes the drum rolls..

anyways on the day i blogged surprise secret, i just came out from the toilets. don't worry i washed my hands before i touched anything else. geez! so anyhows, i did what i call "pee-ing on a stick" or what the world calls a pregnancy test (how dull, right?). oh yes. it came out positive. here's proof;

today, i had a second appointment with my obstetrician (my first was just to confirm that i was pregnant, which will not be documented cause i can't remember how long ago it was). when the doctor did an ultra sound, she enlarged the screen, and ta-da jeff & i saw our baby. the miraculous thing about it was that jeff fell off the sofa when he heard the baby's heart beat. he was like (in tears, shhh) emotional and reconfirmed with the doctor, is that my baby's heart beating? the doctor looked at jeff with the longest grin on her face and reassured him that 'yes, thats the baby's heart beat you're hearing'. 

i can't express anymore how i felt today. i'm just overjoyed. especially for jeff. cause he drove us home with that lovely smile on his face. 

~ hello baby, hope to see you in another thirty-three weeks (give or take a week) 

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