Jeff's Progress

By 1/28/2014

We had another doctors appointment today at Fremantle Hospital. Jeff had his cast changed over from a full legged cast to a half leg cast. What a site, we finally get to see the top half of his sexy brown Asian leg. Haha! 

He is recuperating well, and the broken tibia is healing perfectly. I am amazed at how Jeff is coping through this. He is very patient and has a strong heart. Although an injury like this will effect his confidence, but we will somewhat work through that. 

He doesn't talk much about it. I guess cause he always seems to be strong and not whine about pain (unlike me). 

Lutfi on the other hand, enjoyed playing with all the toys while waiting for Pappa! I also want to thank Fuad for helping us throughout this difficult time. He has been such manly strong muscly help. (I'm sure he will be laughing at this, what an ego boost aye) Jeff and I really appreciate it. 


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