Hello Malaysia!

By 7/27/2014

Who knew one could sweat so much!

Jeff and I kept reminding each other not to lift our arms up too high, cause we had perspire through our underarm area of our shirts. Oh the embarrassment!
Thank you Malaysia – for giving us such a memorable arrival experience.

We decided to head out to Jalan Tun Abdul Rahman that same evening to do a little Eid shopping. Worst decision made, especially with a little wee toddler in a stroller. The place was crowded, the heat was intense, and there wasn’t any room to shop nor to move. Literally it felt like I was in a sardine can, sweating amongst other sardines that sweated. Euww (Sorry for the descriptive image).
After a non-successful evening, we were back the next morning, where the crowd was 3 quarters less and the heat was tolerable. Lutfi enjoyed himself walking around, and Jeff and I managed to get our ‘Eid’ shopping done with ease and lack of stress.

Now here we are at Jeff’s parents place in Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan. The kids are enjoying themselves playing together, well Lutfi just wants his cousins to chase him around, cheeky monkey he is. Jeff and I, we are so relaxed – mind and body. It is so peaceful here.

Well I’m going to go back to colouring with Lutfi. Or more like scribbling.
Have a pleasant and easeful last day of fasting. May Allah the Almighty give us His blessing for our fasting throughout Ramadhan.

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