Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2014

By 7/28/2014 ,

Eid Mubarak is here upon us again, and Alhamdulillah – very thankful to Allah Almighty that we have been given a chance to complete Ramadhan and celebrate Eid (Hari Raya) with family. I didn’t take much photos, as I was busy eating all the ketupat, lemang, rendang, kuih raya(eid biscuits), visiting Jeffs family and relatives, and playing fireworks. It was such a joyous day and raya eve. We had a family portrait done. Unfortunately it won’t be ready till the next 2 weeks. Can’t wait for that to be framed.

Selamat hari raya aidilfitri. Maaf zahir batin.

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