Chilling with Kitty

By 10/02/2014

Wasn’t up for anything today, cause my body isn’t cooperating and my head throbbing like there was a drummer beating away against my brain. As I was lying in bed, I starting to google search ‘natural remedies for migraines’ ‘how to cure migraines’ ‘i hate migraines’ on my iPhone. Did you know searching for remedies gave my migraine a boost of pain to the next level, well now you do!

My brain kept giving signals away to my body telling it to get things done, like take a nice hot shower and brush my teeth. However, my body wasn’t up for it, instead we laid in bed for another hour, before I got progress. As soon as I was able to get myself out of bed, it was 10.26 am and I felt as though I’ve wasted half the day. Oh well, when you’re in a state of hurt, you just need to zone out, rest, and de-stress.

I finally took that nice hot shower, made myself a cup of hot tea, had breakfast (although it was lunch by this time), gave myself a treat by reading the September/October issue of Frankie and was accompanied by my kitty, Tiger. I realised that I should have more calm and relaxed days like these!

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